The Witch's Wheel of The Year
Sisterhood, self-discovery & spirituality
A return to the ways of the Earth.
A remembering.
An awakening.
A celebration.
The seasons.
The cycles.
The dark.
The light.

What is The Witch's Wheel of The Year?
The Solar Festivals (or quarter points), are marked by the solstices (the two points in the year when the day and night are longest and shortest) and the equinoxes (when day and night are of equal length). The Sabbats are Yule, Litha, Ostara and Mabon.
The ancient Celtic Fire Festivals, (or cross-quarter days), mark the midpoint between a solstice and equinox and signal the beginning (not the middle) of a season. The sabats are Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain.
The Witch's Wheel of The Year goes beyond our old agricultural ties to the land. As the light increases from the winter months we are drawn to unfurl and move out into the world, the sun brings with him life, growth and abundance. We light fires, we drum, we dance, we move our bodies to activate and connect to the fire inside of us. And as is the cyle of life, death must follow, and as the light decreases from summer to winter, we begin our descent inwards, giving thanks for all that we have received, connecting with our root energy to explore our inner wisdom and truth.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
I love this, I am all in!
Who is this for?
- Do you feel deep down that something is missing and that there’s more to your life?
- Do you feel more connected when you are in nature and want to tune in with the seasons more?
- Do you want to learn more about your cycle, the cycles of the seasons and the cycles of mother nature and how these fit together?
- Do you feel that now is the time to honour yourself and say a big yes to embracing your wild woman?
- Are you ready to stand in your power? To create something special, something sacred, something for you?
- Do you feel at home out in nature and want to learn how to make remedies to help with your health and hormones?
- Do you want to learn about the old hearth-crafts in a way that is fresh, modern and fun?
- Do you want to feel truly yourself with a group of like minded women and embark on a journey of discovery together?
- Do you want to find a tribe of like-minded women who want to learn, share, support and properly belly laugh their way through life?
- Are you someone who absolutely loves magic and is secretly playing with your crystals and chatting to the moon?
- Have you been leaning into your witchy side a little, gleaning what you can online, but are ready to step more into that part of yourself?
- Are you passionate about the earth, about giving back to nature, looking after our world and living more in tune with it?
- Are you open, curious, wild, a little bit witchy and equally quite normal and nice?
Eight women. Eight sabbats. Eight sacred ceremonies to celebrate the earth.
My intention for The Witch's Wheel of The Year is to help you connect with the cyclical nature of the earth - and the cyclical nature with yourself.
Say yes to Sisterhood, Self Discovery & Spirutality
About Katy
I have been hugely honored to create sacred space and inspire hundreds of women to connect with the land, themselves and with like-minded women.
I am deeply connected to the land. I deeply believe and feel the ancient law of life, the living flow of energy and I find such sanctuary in the fields, the streams, the hills and the trees. I understand the flow of energy and how we can attune to it and work positively with it.
The Witch's Wheel of The Year feels like a coming together of my knowledge, wisdom and craft - and I am very excited to open such a beautiful space for you.
“What Katy creates is a potent, healing space for women to feel held, completely and wholly. She embodies true authentic love so deeply rooted in the Earth. It’s like she is calling in the magic from the underground network of tree roots, mycelium, earth matter, fruits and leaves and pouring this magic out of her auric field. She merges with the hedgerows and fill us up so deeply that we see our own worth. She fuel us for growth. She is a beautiful wise woman and I’m so grateful to have been part of her circle."
The Witch's Wheel of The Year
The Witch’s Wheel of the Year is my invitation to call you back to the earth, to call you home to yourself, to gather you in an intimate circle and celebrate the turning of the seasons.
Working directly with me for a whole year, we will gather for the eight Sabbats and in a safe and most loving space we will allow the earth's natural rhythms take us on a journey through meditation & movement, nature & nurture, ceremony & creativity, sharing & teaching.
I will guide you to reconnect with the seasons, the earth, with yourself and discover a beautiful way of living with your wild hearts.
I will guide you to remember the ancient ways, how to create with earth-crafts and how to weave this way positively into your life.
And have a little fun along the way - it's not all Kilner Jars and spiders legs!
“Katy has such a gift. She radiates Mother Earth’s love. It’s potent, it’s velvety, it’s nourishing and filled with joy!”
What's included over the year
The workshops will include powerful guided meditations, the creation of magical earth-crafts (think protection pentacles, talismans for your altar space), movement, teachings on herbs and their healing properties, potent self discovery journaling exercises and time to just be together as a group.
There are eight workshops in total and will be held in the evenings (7.30pm - 9pm) on Zoom. All recordings will be available, so don't worry if you miss a session.
My intention is to stir your cauldron, to inspire you into creating your own ways to reconnect with the rhythms of nature. You are the magick!
Ostara: 21st March 2022
Beltane: 1st May 2022
Litha: 20th June 2022
Lughnasadh: 1st August 2022
Mabon: 19th September 2022
Samhain: 31st October 2022
Yule: 20th December 2022
Imbolc: 1st February 2023
Ostara ~ The balance of life, March 21st 2022
The first day of Spring - let's journey forth & manifest
And bring balance to our masculine & feminine aspects
Connect with the ancient pathways, the ley lines, the dragon paths
Beltane ~ The festival of fertility, May 1st 2022
The earth's energy is at it's peak, all pure power & potential
The veils are thin - a perfect time to commune with nature spirits
Let's get clear on what we want, on purpose & plans
Litha ~ Fecundity & fulfillment, June 20th 2022
The Summer Solstice - a time to celebrate all aspects of life
The power of the Sun is protective, healing & empowering (and sexy!)
A dual celebration - honouring the light and the return of the dark
Lammas ~ Gratitude to Mother Earth, August 1st 2022
An honouring of SHE, all that is, the seed, the womb & the soil
The fullness of life, giving thanks for all that SHE provides
- A time to bake bread and look for the first fruits
Mabon ~ Rest, renewal & rebalance, September 19th 2022
The harvest, the completion
Plant the seeds for what will incubate over the winter months
Bring yourself to wholeness (dark/light, material/spiriutal, male/female)
Samhain ~ We honour our ancestors, October 31st 2022
The ending & the beginning of the Celtic Year
A most magical time - a time of divination & the mysteries
A time to draw inwards and prepare for Winter
Yule ~ We gather with loved ones, December 20th 2022
The Winter Solstice - a time for friends, family & love
The great earthy wheel stops and begins again
The begining of a new cycle
Imbolc ~ Activating a new cycle, February 1st
Awakenings & new beginnings
A time to plant visions, ideas, thoughts & dreams
A time to create space for what will come
Join The Witch's Wheel of The Year
I am really excited to share my knowledge, wisdom and craft with you and make this your year of sisterhood, self-discovery and nature spirituality.
Are you ready to honour yourself and say a big yes to embracing your wild woman? To create something special, something sacred, something for you? Are you ready to be in a warm and loving space, to feel seen, held, heard, without fear or judgment? Are you ready to come home?
Then come and join The Witch's Wheel of The Year and we will journey through a year of warm, joy and deliciousness!
Wild women, the earth is calling you home.
And so am I.
Love & twigs

Pricing for The Witch's Wheel of The Year
The Witches Wheel of the Year is just £888.
There are two ways to join…
- You can pay in full now
- Or twelve monthly installments of £88
Simply book your place here or email Katy to set up your payment plan.

Start my journey of The Witch's Wheel of The Year