The Sacred Tree Circle
An intimate one year programme to activate your personal power at a soil & soul level and work with the energy of the trees to learn how to live in flourish & flow
Does this sound all too familiar?
~ You've kept your energy and light turned to low to fit in, to please, to keep the status quo
~ You’ve been hurt and you manage to deal with it somehow, but you want to understand your feelings and get to know yourself better
~ You’ve been carrying feelings or wounds that don’t even feel like something you’ve experience in this life time, but know you want them to shift
~ You’ve been doing a little self learning and growing parts of yourself, but now want to go deeper
~ You want to figure out what you want from this life - who you are and how you want to live
~ You feel disconnected from your natural and powerful state - your passion and your purpose
~ You've been leaning into your witchy side a little, gleaning what you can online, but are ready to step more into that part of yourself
~ You want to learn more about your cycle, the cycles of the seasons and the cycles of mother nature and how these fit together
~ You know that you ARE connected and ARE in tune with this, but feel a little lost and have NO idea how to start
~ You’ve put off doing anything for a while because it all just feels too big
~ You feel at home out in nature and want to learn how to make remedies to help with your health and hormones and create talismans for a happy home
~ You want to feel truly yourself with a group of like minded women and embark on a journey of discovery together
I’ve been there. I myself have experienced many of the things that you may be going through. But with the right guidance I have come out of the other side and I am here to help you do the same.

I feel women want to shed old traumas; to unhook old belief systems and step out from beneath the patriarchal conditioning that has been put upon us.
I feel women want to remember how to be guided by their intuition, how to listen to themselves, how to open themselves, how to receive, how to fully embrace all the magic that lives within them.
I feel women are being pulled at a deep level by the desire to change the way we live our lives, but are not certain of the way forward.
I feel women are looking to reconnect with themselves, to discover the truth found in their wild heart, the truth in their soul, their desires, and their passions.
I feel women want to find new ways of speaking, listening and being to help support the woman they are becoming.
I will teach you how to reconnect to yourself, how to tune in and be guided by your intuition and I will support you through your personal transformation
I am ready to activate my power

I feel women want to feel connected with others. To share, support, love, celebrate and laugh their way through this precious life.
I feel there is work to be done together as women. To shed masculine competitive ways, to remove old witch wounds, to remove the fear of being hurt or betrayed by our women folks.
I feel women intuitively know it is time to harness our ability to heal, to create, to collaborate, to move beyond messages of fear, division and hate and begin to work together for the greater good of all.
I will create a circle of likeminded women who are ready to come together to share, support and celebrate each other and tend to our beautiful earth
I am ready to gather with my Sisters
I feel there is a way of understanding, experiencing and interacting with life intimately when we are truly connected to the earth.
I feel women are being activated at both a soil and soul level to work more in harmony with the land and the turning of the seasons.
I feel women are being called to work more and more with the cyclical nature of Mother Earth, the seasons and to understand the cyclical and wild nature of themselves.
I feel women want to align themselves to the way our ancestors lived with the land and learn the ancient ways in a modern, meaningful way.
I feel women want to learn the crafts of the women who have gone before us… to feel the natural energy of the medicine women, to take part in the rituals of the earth priestess, to gather the herbs of the hedge-witches to make healing remedies and recipes.
I feel women want to learn the healing properties of the trees and the herbs, to know what fruit, flowers and seeds to gather, to know how to prepare them for the wellbeing of their hearth and home.
I will teach you how to remember the ancient ways, how to create with earth-crafts and how to weave this way positively into your life
I am ready to support Mother Earth
What is included...
1. An Opening Ceremony Day Retreat in Dorset
2. Each month you will receive…
- Live energy session to feel into the energy of the tree
- Live sacred circle session with rituals & group discussion
- Two 121 half hour mentoring sessions with Katy
- 90 minute movement medicine session with my in-house somatic expert
- Individual & group Voxer access for direct mentoring. Voxer is a free voice & messaging app that will enable you to share with me and me to be able to support you.
3. Each quarter you will receive…
- One hour tarot 121 reading with my in-house mystic witch
- A beautiful gift box with your witchy supplies for the months ahead
- One hour earth-craft creative workshop to make talismans, herb bundles ritual candles and protection tools for home & hearth
4. A Closing Ceremony Day Retreat in Dorset
How wonderful, I would love to join!
About Katy
I am deeply connected to the land. I deeply believe and feel the ancient law of life, the living flow of energy and I find such sanctuary in the fields, the streams, the hills and the trees. I understand the flow of energy and how we can attune to it and work positively with it.
I believe in the wisdom of the trees and the healing power they hold. I am interested in the symbolism and messages available to us from the trees and how they can inspire connection, creativity and ceremony in our modern lives.
I love what we can learn from them and how we can learn to live more with them. What we can gather. What we can grow. As above. So below.
Imagine the roots as your own and how they can ground you in the present, the trunk is how we heal and grow physically and emotionally, the leaf is our wisdom and awareness and the flower, fruit and seeds is the power we hold to manifest what we desire out into this world.
I believe that by studying the characteristcs of the trees, we can learn about the true nature and essence of ourselves. We can learn adaptability, resilience, self healing, patience and strenght. And that twigs are the best.
I have been called to work with the trees, the changing seasons and ancient earth-craft to help heal women, to help. I feel that by connecting with the powerful presence of trees we can connect to the wisdom and wildness within. And the wisdom and wildness without.
I feel deeply honoured that this has come through me and I cannot wait to walk this journey with you
Welcome to The Sacred Tree Sisters
This price includes…
- 24 half hour 121s mentoring sessions with Katy
- 12 energy sessions with Katy
- 12 sacred tree ceremonies with Katy & guest speakers
- 4 The Elemental Tarot Readings
- 4 earth-craft creative workshops
- 12 x 90 minute medicine movement sessions
- Two day retreats in Dorset

You can pay £11,111 in full now and receive a discount to £9,999, a saving of £1,112 or
You can pay a deposit of £3,333 today and then 12 monthly payments of £648
Doors are open, simply email me to book your place now.
The Sacred Tree Circle begins October 2022
Sign me up

If you would like any guidance or would like to learn more about this transformational experience, please feel free to book a free half hour session with me. Simply email me to book a call.