Create calm amidst the Christmas chaos
As the earth falls silently to sleep and the animals prepare to hibernate, nature reminds us to slow down too. The darker nights draw us inside to cosy fire and candle light - oh how we love the quiet move into the winter energy of regeneration, renewal & self-reflection.
To balance the slowing down of nature and the busyness of Christmas, why not bring a little magic to you & your home by creating a Midwinter sacred space. A sacred space is quite simply having a place in your home where you can go to connect with yourself & the Earth. It is a space dedicated to the rejuvenation of you and your spirit and should be honoured daily.
Over the winter months, a wonderful energy will gather here... your mind knows this as a space of rest & respite. And your talismans you place in this space will hold that energy for you too.
A Wild Herb Bundle to clear the energy in your space
Your intention written on paper
A candle - try our Midwinter Luna Candle or Midwinter Crystal Candle
A gold talisman
Foraged foliage
A little tray to hold all the energy
Gather your items for your Midwinter sacred space. These should be things that you find beautiful or love such as things you collected on a walk in nature, inspirational quotes, crystals, or twigs. These items should speak to your soul in a way that is both nurturing and inspiring, and that connects you to your self.
Our homes and bodies vibrate with a gentle, invisible energy and smudging will help clear away any not-so-happy vibes that may have gathered. It’s like a lovely, spiritual spring-clean and the perfect way to start any ritual.
Light your candle and as you lay your beautiful items onto your tray say your Midwinter intention out loud. Repeat for each of your sacred objects.

Wishing you a very merry Midwinter!